Thursday, September 3, 2009

Shuttle steers closer to space station for hookup

Space shuttle Discovery's astronauts steered closer to the international space station for a Sunday linkup, while checking their ship for any signs of launch damage. The routine survey began early Saturday evening and lasted until the wee hours of Sunday. NASA officials say no fuel tank debris was observed hitting Discovery during Friday's midnight liftoff. But the shuttle's most vulnerable areas — the wings and nose — still needed to be inspected with lasers and cameras on a boom attached to the robot arm. The images were beamed down for analysis. Some of the images got held up because of a digital TV feed problem, but the early indication was that the survey results looked good. In addition, the shuttle's underside will be photographed in detail by the space station residents Sunday night, right before the two craft meet. Discovery is loaded with supplies for the space station, now home to six astronauts.
Source by Dunya News

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